Archives for : Uncategorized
Do these fill ideas come naturally to you while playing a similar groove to Peace Frogs? Sixteenth note triplet pickups? And/or lots of space with...
Dance Pop, I mean, c’mon. I really got into the cool rhythmic line of the melody in the chorus – interesting jumping off points (e-of-1)...
Requested transcription of the intro. 1st + 2nd endings = 4th and 8th measure. Top line – crash cymbal Middle line – snare Below middle line...
Slightly swung hi-hat based 16th groove Bridge features riff-focused drum groove, RH on ride Hi-hat included in fills – excellent examples of using...
Such a grooving track from a classic album. Interesting 4+3 structure with traditional funk-isms – I’ve always loved how much this drum track...
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